Here we go again. It is 5:55 PM and I just returned home, turned on CNN to see what is happening in the world and a story about gun violence greets me. Three people at the University of
Georgia have been killed at a gathering of the "Town and Gown" community theater group. Who is suspected of doing this? Someone who is mentally ill. An individual who is involved in the drug trade. A criminal who lost his temper and "capped" some one he didn't like. No the person suspected of killing these individuals is a respected member of the
faculty at the University. A law abiding citizen. How often have we heard the refrain that goes something like, "When
lawabiding citizens can't get guns; only criminals will have guns." The man who is suspected of this crime would be considered a "law abiding citizen" any where in this country as a member of a university
faculty; yet it seems that he may be responsible for creating the latest
victims in this country's decade long carnage caused by guns.
How long will it be before we have reasonable gun laws in this country? How many people have to die before, as a country, we realize that no one needs to own a military style weapon such as an AK-47 or an AR15. No one except the military and the police. No one needs to own a pistol again except the military and the police. I know that these obviously sensible observations will drive those in the gun
lobby crazy because they are afraid that they may loose their toys. To think that losing those toys is more important than peoples lives is, perhaps, one of the most immoral concepts one can have.
To defend their "right" to own these types of
weapons the gun lover will say that he/she has to have them to protect themselves. I would suggest to those who feel that they need this protection that they ask their pastor or priest where their real security lies. I suspect the she/he will have a different answer for them. Their answer might be something like:
Protect me Lord God!
I run to you for safety,
and I have said, 'Only you are my Lord!
Every good thing I have
is a gift from you."
You, Lord, are all I want!
You are my choice,
and you keep me safe.
Psalm 16: 1, 2, 5 (CVE)