Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Numbers, numbers. What do they tell us?

During this political season numbers float around the news. What could they possibly tell us? Let's look at some of the numbers:
* The top 1% of the US population earn 30% of the money. (Could this be the same segment of the population that has their income taxes lowered by our esteemed President?)McCain has voted 90 to 95% of the time with Bush and he says he will not carry on Bush's policies. Interesting!
* McCain voted 19 times against raising the minimum wages.
* Under Bush we had the weakest economic expansion since World War II.
* When Bush came into office gasoline was $1.49 a gallon. What is it today?
* Under President Clinton average income rose $6,200. Over the past 7 plus years it has decreased $2,000.
* 17 cents out of every dollar is spent on health care on average.
* 56 million Americans have a pre-existing condition and would not be able to get health insurance with McCain's health plan.
* 40 million Americans are without health insurance.
* 1.85 million Americans will go bankrupt because of medical bills.
* 51% of the Republican delegates at their convention earn a 1/2 million dollars or more.
* 84,000 jobs were lost in August of this year.
* 6.1% increase in unemployment in August is a 5 year high. 2003 was the last time it was that high. Bush and the Republicans broke their own record.
* Governor Palin when she was a mayor of a town of 6,000 was the 1st. mayor to hire a lobbyist.
* Governor Palin accepted $4.53 million in ear marks.
* After supporting "the bridge to no where" as a mayor Governor Palin flip flopped and decided not to support building it when it became unpopular because of news reports; but she took the money for the state of Alaska anyhow.
* Governor Palin grows the state budget 10% per year.
Could the numbers possibly tell us that this country doesn't need 4 more years of a Republican Bush type (aka McSame)administration?

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