Sunday, February 22, 2009

Diplomacy With Iran

During the tenure of our last president( Bush II) and his administration, the answer to almost every question about foreign policy seemed to revolve around military action or the threat to use the military. It was as if they had only one tool in their tool box, a hammer, so every challenge looked like a nail. Fortunately that emperor, complete with his lack of clothes, is in exile in Texas, and we can look to the future with the prospect of the new administration having a tool box filled with a variety of tools. It seems reasonable to assume from what we heard during the campaign that one of those tools is diplomacy. Diplomacy is a tool that should be pulled from the tool box when considering how to engage Iran. Unfortunately, there are still voices calling for the use of the military when Iran and its nuclear program are discussed. To mix metaphors, there are those who are back to that one note samba. This is, perhaps, all very interesting but it begs the question, "What can I do about it?" The typical answer is, of course, write your representatives, the President, et al and that is a positive idea. There is something else however. Recently as I was wandering around the web, I came across a new site. The site is Peace Action West and its web address is Among other things they advocate diplomacy as a tool for engaging with Iran (what a concept). They suggest that citizens should make their voices heard on this issue (again what a concept) and give suggestions how that can be done. I have posted a link on the side bar of this blog that will take you to their site. While you are there, you can sign a pledge which says in part:
* Stay informed and learn about Iran.
* Talk to friends and family, and ask their help.
* Take action to support the new administration in pursuing diplomacy.

If this is an issue that interests you, and if you have found this blog in the very crowded and vast "blogisphere", apparently it is of interest to you, why not give writing a letter a try? After all it can't hurt and who knows you (we) may actually have a small part in shaping public opinion.

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