"It is true that the President did not do well last night if one is looking at style (i.e. appearance only). Unfortunately, that is the thing that most casual, uninformed voters look at. But if one takes a moment or two to look at what is im
portant, namely facts, it is clear that Gov. Romney chooses his "facts" based on what audience he feels he is currently talking to. See for example his comments about the 47% of the population when he speaks to his rich (fat cat) contributors and then the next day says no he is interested in 100% of the population only because he is concerned that his previous 47% comment will loose him support and votes, which it should. President Obama,on the other hand, is consistent in his policy statements and concern for individuals.
This is,however, not my opinion alone. If you are concerned about facts more than style I suggest that you click the Debate fact check below to learn the truth behind the rhetoric."
Now, six days before the next in the series of presidential debates, the pundits are talking about a jump in the polls for Romney. Almost all of them attribute this to "style points". It is frightening to consider that the electorate is so shallow that what it primarly looks at is style and not substance. It is doubly frightening in this election because if a President Romney becomes a reality the citizens of this country will, through experience, come to understand what it is like to live in a country where the rich receive all of the economic benefits and the middle and working classes are left to fight for the crumbs that are left under the oligarchs tables. If you think that this is not true consider what Romney said in his 47% comments when he said that they (the 47%) think that they are entitled to medical care and food. Some people are not entitled to food; really Governor Romney?
Debate fact check
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